Disorder: its types, criteria, treatment, statistics and celebrity who suffered

Can you tell me what disorder is? Its symptoms, treatments, contradictions and other things about disorders. Just leave all these questions just tell me ever you meet with a disordered person or ever you deal with them about something. May be you know that person or you deal with that person but that time you did not know that the person is suffering from any type of disorders. So it’s time to know about those persons who are suffering from disorders and how you can help them to make them better person and take out them from these disorders.           

 Because I am going to tell you about what is meaning of disorder, the symptoms, treatments, contradictions and much more information about that.                                                      


It is an illness that disrupts normal physical or mental functions. It is set of problems which result in causing significant difficulty, distress, impairment and suffering in a daily life.                   


Avoidant Personality Disorder (A.P.D.)      

   From the name you can understand about that Avoidant Personality Disorder which means in person biggest fear is rejection rather than death. Not only fear of rejection, also fear of criticism and inferiority.

To identify this disorder there are 7 criteria if 4 criteria are present and age is more than 18 years old and present continuously than you can say that this person is suffering from Avoidant Personality Disorder.                                             

 Criteria-1:                                                           Avoid those occupations in which have more social dealing like Psychiatry, Banking, etc. They like backend works like scientist, researchers, etc.. They like those works where they have less interaction with people.                                                


They avoid those social gathering where they have a fear of criticism and make fun. They go where only known person come and understand sensitivity of them and not criticize them and also not make fun. If someone criticize or make fun they avoid that person.                               


Who is suffering from this disorder that person less involved to make relationships like girlfriend and boyfriend, because fear of shameful and how they handle rejection. Through that they get difficulty in work and relationships.         


They always have a fear of criticism and rejection in social situations. They cannot handle rejection and also they have fear always to listen bad for own. It means whenever they are in social gathering and talk to anyone they always think that another person will speak bad words about me.                          


  They inhibiting for something new because of their inadequacy. They cannot take responsibility for home, new project, etc. because they meet with new people whom they do not know through that they feel inferiority.                                    


 They have a feeling of inferiority and personal appealing. They always feel that their personality is bad and not creastnactic. They feel that “I am an inferior”, which the results come out that they interact less with others through that their fear increase more.                                   


Reluctant to take personal risk to engage in new activities because they feel embarrassing. It is also close to social phobic. Through this disorder they do not try any type of things they just give up before trying. 

Cause:      The Avoidant Personality Disorder causes are Genetic and Environment. Through this disorder the person become isolated from society and causy with long-term difficulties with work and social functioning. They are also at greater risk for depression and substance abuse.

Treatment:                                                                    Psychotherapy= it includes cognitive behavioral therapy which focuses to reduce the negative thoughts pattern and build social skills.                                 Family= Person’s family member can understand the condition of this disorder and provide a supportive environment that can promote growth and health risk-taking.                                             Others= No mediation is proved to treat Avoidant Personality Disorder by FDA (Food and Drug Administration), Meditation, Talk Therapy and Counseling.                                                  

 These are treatments which can be done after age of 18 because before age of 18 its commonly be seen in children because shyness, fear of strangers, social awkwardness, or being sensitive to criticism are often a normal part of child and adolescent development.                              Statistics:                                                             

 # 1.5%-2.5% people in United States have Avoidant Personality Disorder.                      

#  Women has more than men.                                                  

 Celebrity Struggled:        

 This disorder also suffered by some of famous celebrities: Kim Basinger, Michael Jackson, Donny Osmod.


Borderline Personality Disorder (B.P.D.)                           

This is a serious mental illness marked by unstable moods and impulsive behavior. People who are suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder have problems with relationships, family and work life, long-term planning, and self-identity.                                 


   Fear of abandonment: in this disorder the person always thinks that his/her partner will leave him/her through that they ensure about it the result is the partner get sophisticated.        


  Unstable Relationships: In this criteria the person has more ups and downs in life according to another normal person.                                                                                            Criteria-3:                          Idealization: In this criteria the partner of a person is everything and reason of happiness for him/her.              


 Devaluation: This criteria is just opposite of idealization. The relationships of person with partner, friend and family gone wrong or unstable due to ups and down. In this situation the person is very disappointed from it but he/she cannot control it.                   


Unstable self-image: the normal people feel confident, stable, peaceful, etc. but comparing with disorder’s person they are unstable sometime they feel more confident and sometime they feel vey low confident.                                                            

  Criteria-6:                                                        Impulsive and Dangerous behavior: The person who is suffering from this disorder they drink more alcohol, eat more also involve in wrong sexually activity even when he/she does not feel it from emotionally but they put their life in danger.        


   Self-harming Behavior: In it they feel emotionally blackmail when they are in stress and also they try to cut their own arms and advance patients try to cut their own legs. Also they attempt para-suicide in it they do not want suicide they manipulate to other, through that his/her partner or friend care or focus on him/her.                                                                 Criteria-8:                          

   Chronic feeling of emptiness: In this disorder they feel excited & next day they feel like life is waste, loneliness. Their mood is unstable for hours or days. Through these things partner cannot understand it. The person does not want to do it they cannot control it.                                  Criteria-9:                        

Trust issues: The person who is suffering from this disorder that person has trust issues and jealousy from friends, siblings, family, etc. They are emotionally unstable.          


    Dissociation from self: Through this disorder the person think the soul is getting out from their body or their hand is not at correct place. It means they get worried and have an illusion.


Genetically: Some part of BPD’s due to genetics; if these are your biological kids and they have inherited a certain combination of genes from you, they may be more at risk to develop BPD.                        Environmental Factors: The person can suffer from this disorder when the person, being a victim of emotional, physical or sexual abuse, being exposed to long-term fear or distress as a child, being neglected by 1 or both parents. Or the person growing up with another family member who had a serious mental health condition, such as bipolar disorder or a drink or drug misuse problem.                                  Treatment: 

      # The main treatment of this disorder is Psycho Therapy.                                        

# The person can take counseling which can take much time.                                     

# Medications can be helpful in treating some of the symptoms of BPD, like: Antidepressants, Antipsychotic, Mood Stabilizers, Anti-anxiety medication [These medications prescribed by the expert according to the situation of a person.]          Borderline Personality Disorder usually begins by early adulthood.  The condition seems to be worse in young adulthood and may gradually get better with age.          Statistics:       # In India its very common because more than 10million cases per year.                         # In America 1.6% population has BPD and 75% are women.

Celebrities suffered:              

# Brandon Marshall              

 #  Doug Ferrari        

# Jim Carrey               

  #  Amy Winehouse


 Paranoid Personality Disorder                           The Paranoid Personality Disorder has 7 criteria if 4 criteria present then the person suffering from Paranoid Personality Disorder. This disorder cannot be diagnosed before the age of 18.                         

Criteria-1   Suspicious:    

       The person is not able to trust others without sufficient basis. If we  understand by example then suppose 2 person talking about  something else, at that time the person think they both are talking about his/her and the person create an imaginational story about yourself which has no basis.          

Criteria-2 Doubting:     

       The person doubts on the loyalties of their friends, family members, associates and others, through that they do not want to make friends but also through this nature they do not have friends.                                                           

Criteria-3 Reads Hidden Demeaning:                 

   In any event or social gathering whenever you say something to those persons they take out their different meaning or deep meaning which relates to them and they accept it and take action  on that meaning, which affects their relations. This disorder comes under personality disorder so they think they are right and other person is wrong.                 

 Criteria-4: Reluctant to Confide in others       Whenever they tell the secret to someone then they think that person can use it against for him/her. We are human we should have to do trust but in practically this thing can happen with anyone but we should have to do trust on others. But the person cannot trust to others after sharing their secrets which can create problems in his/her life.         

Criteria-5: Persistently Bear Grudges                     In this criteria if you say anything else  wrong due to this disorder the whole life they will tell to you that  you said to me this thing  at this time in front of these people at that place. 

Criteria-6: Perceives attack on his/her character or reputation       

The person who is suffering from this disorder that person thinks that everybody is talking about his/her character and reputation.  They just think about own and think what the other person thinking about him/her.                                               

Criteria-7: Suspicious without fixed                  Let’s understand this criteria by example there are colleagues who working with you in any department they are talking about anything else, he/she think they are talking about him/her. In relationships they doubt on their partner like his/her partner is not loyal, for example, the partner is not able to pick phone due to some reason and then the person call to neighbor, colleague or someone else and that time the  person also not able to pick call to whom he/she make a call, then the person think they have a relationship between them.  In this case some people understand it and some people does not understand it, which create lots of problems between friends, relatives and other relationships.                             

Cause:                                                                       The cause of Paranoid Personality Disorder is unknown. However, researchers, believes that a combination of biological and environmental factors can lead to it. The disorder is present more often in families with the history of schizophrenia and delusional disorder. Early childhood trauma may be a contributing factor as well.                                               


   # Psychotherapy which can takes long time.                                                                          

# Meditation is useful but not in generally.                                                                    

  # In medication anti-psychotic drugs may used. (The medication used under the guidance of an expert).                              

  # Communicate and win their trust with them in slowly manner.                                      

 # You must continue treatment throughout your lifetime, because  there  is no cure of PPD. Symptoms of PPD, will continue, but they can be managed with care and support. 



# 10%-13% world population is suffering from Paranoid Personality Disorder.           

 # In which 6.5% is adult population.               
 # 2.3%-4.4% population estimated of US have Paranoid Personality Disorder.                                             

Celebrity Suffered:                 

 # Joseph Stalin       

 # Saddam Hussein             

# Richard M. Nixon


  Narcissistic Personality Disorder           

In this disorder also has 9 criteria if 5 present then you can say the person has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. In this disorder the person feel great by own.           There is an interesting Greek mythology story about Narcissism. There was a boy whose name was Narcissism and a girl fell in love with him and he refused to her, but the boy fell in love with himself and then went to shore of lake and saw own image in the water and impress from own and then he became a flower.                               


  Sense of entitlement: In this criteria whatever the person feel that person becomes like that.                             


A need for excessive admiration: The person who is suffering from this disorder that person wants lots of praise and never satisfy from it.                


A lack of Empathy: The person does not understand to other and also not feel about other. They think that other person is lucky because that person is part of his life.                                                                    


Envy of others or a belief that others are envious of him/her.:  The person feel jealous from others but the twist of psychological is that they feel other one is jealous from them. They feel they are great and talented but it is not true that they can be great and talented in real life. Narcissism mostly found in successful people.                                                            


Demonstrate of arrogant and haunt behavior or attitudes: According to this criteria the person feel that they have lots of attitude according to others because they feel they are great and other do not care of it.                                   


A Grandiose sense of Self importance:The person who has this disorder that person feel they are grant and more important from other people. For example-When Saddam Hussain defeated by America  in 2003 they broke all sculptures of him which made in every city which shows his grandiosity.          


Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success: The person has lots of fantasies about everything and also they become rich person and they will do this and that all these things are in fantasy.                      


Belief that he/she  is special and only understood by other special person: The person who has Narcissistic Personality Disorder they think they are special person and only special person understand by him/her no ordinary person can understand them. Also they want rewards  and honors from others or from institutions.                                        


Interpersonally Exploitive Behavior: Let understand this criteria by an example suppose your friend ask to give a bike keys to him/her for ride a bike, before start a ride you tell to him/her  that give back my bike keys next morning. Then he/she will think you are disrespect to him/her because they are king (due to this disorder they feel it), so it is your duty to give the keys without asking anything or without giving an order.                      


Environment: mismatches in  parent-child relationships with either  excessive adoration or excessive criticism that is poorly attuned to the child’s experience.                                                 Genetics: inherited characteristics                          

Neurobiology: the connection between the brain and behavior and thinking.                         Although the main cause of narcissistic personality disorder is not known, some researchers think that in biologically vulnerable children, parenting styles that are overprotective or neglectful may have an impact. Genetics and neurobiology also may play a role in development of narcissistic personality disorder.                                                        Treatment:

      # Psychotherapy                                                 
 # Maintain your personal relationships        
  # Understand and manage your feeling      
    # Set realistic goals for yourself                
 # Cope with any self-esteem issues.              While there is no cure for narcissism, professional psychotherapy, or talk therapy can be effective in treating narcissistic personality disorder. A psychotherapist may use one of the following treatments to help the person learn to relate to others in a more positive and compassionate way: Psychodynamic counseling.     The person only diagnosis after the age of 18.                     


  # Approx. 0.5% population of U.S. has this disorder.                                                  

 # In which 75% are men.                                    

# The lifetime rates of Narcissistic Personality Disorder at 1% in general population                                                      

 # Between 2%-16% those who seek help from a mental health professional.                         Celebrity Suffered:                              

# Mariah Carey          

    # Tom  Cruise                   

    # Justin Bieber             

Celebrities have more narcissistic personality traits than the general population.    

So, I hope you learnt extra about disorder from this blog, from now whenever you will meet a person who is suffering from above disorders then you know how to treat what are the statistics and how you can handle those persons.


Syndrome : causes, treatment, statistics, (HINDI).....


Syndrome : cause, treatment, statistics (ENGLISH)......


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