Why do we celebrate Republic Day on 26th January?

Why do we celebrate Republic Day on January 26th ?

As the national festival is about to come everyone will be eager to know the stories & facts related to it. So let's understand why do we celebrate it ?

Everyone knows that India has got its Independence on August 15th 1947 exactly on this day India was set free from British rule after achieving the freedom, after 3 years that is on January 26th 1950 the Indian Constitution was bought into practice & that's the reason why January 26th celebrated as Republic Day.

Now let's see why do we actually celebrate this Republic Day & what exactly is meant by Indian Constitution, after achieving the freedom from the British rule our National leaders are felt need to design a rule book in order to run the nation smoothly as we all know that India is blessed with the diversity, the diversity in territorial the diversity in the religions aspect but despite of all these diversities we have been successful in maintaining our unity & credit goes to mutual understanding between each individual citizen of India as well a huge role is played by a Indian Constitution. This Indian Constitution is nothing but the rule book which contains all the laws & necessary guidelines in order to run the nation smoothly, which has given all the Indian citizens the feeling of equality & harmony to design this Indian Constitution a committee was designed under the observation of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar The committee consisted of Various national leaders and experts who have exchanged And team up with the best And exactly because of this On 26th January 1950 That is after the great efforts of 3 years. We got our Indian constitution as India was declared to have The Purana Swaraj that is complete independence from the British rule isn't this a perfect day to cherish and even today In order to remark this Beautiful day 26th January Is celebrated with the great enthusiasm, across the country. In Delhi magnificent prades are Organised by the Regiments of the Indian army, Navy, Air Force, Police forces at Rajpath

The bravery awards are given to individuals, who have performed their duties towards the nation In order to mark their bravery and consent towards the nation, every Indian feels a great pride. On this day when we see our Indian flag Or Tricolor unfold over the nation.

Let’s take an oath on this memorable day

Even as we celebrate This memorable day,

 In the history of our mother nation,

 Let us keep checking on our underprivileged Brothers and sisters on the street,

 Let us show the beauty of this nation To everyone regardless of social Economic or financial background.

Let’s take an oath to fulfill our responsibilitiesTowards the nation and just upon the social harmony.


To Everyone Around.


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National Unity Day

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