
Showing posts with the label security

Unit -5 Lesson -1 Security and Legal Aspects of E-commerce: E-commerce security Meaning and issues Notes

  E-Commerce Unit -5 Lesson -1  Security and Legal Aspects of E-commerce: E-commerce security Meaning and issues Security and Legal Aspects of E-commerce: E-commerce security Meaning and issues; What is e-commerce? It is commerce taking place using the World Wide Web as an enabling transport. The web is the way to do business for many reasons, including access and consistency. However, any transaction-taking place across the public Internet is open to a wide variety of security problems. E-COMMERCE SECURITY ISSUES The use of the Internet means that your internal IT and e-commerce systems are potentially accessible by anyone, irrespective of their location. Because the Internet is unregulated, unmanaged and uncontrolled, it introduces a wide range of risks and threat to the systems operating on it. The following points outline the security issues related to e-commerce Access control : Access control ensures only those that legitimately require access to resources an: given ac...

Unit - 4 Lesson - 2 Automated Clearing House Notes

  E-Commerce Unit - 4 Lesson - 2 Automated Clearing House Automated Clearing House 1. This platform is used for clearing money transfer from sender to receiver with authorization. Transfer of money in digital mode. 2. Approximately 170 member banks and 1203 sub-members banks are part of this National Automated Clearing House, ACH. 3. There are 11 million transactions done per day during the year 2019-2020 4. It has a capacity of handling 175 million transactions per day. Automated Ledger Posting Features : 1. Maintain ledgers online 2. Posting can be done automated manner 3. Trail Balance and Balance Sheet prepared with software. 4. Adjustments of pending transactions can settle with banks online. Emerging modes and systems of E-payment (Mpaisa, Paypal and other digital currency) E-payment Risks Internet Banking Risks : Internet banking creates new risk control challenges for national banks. Risk is the potential that events, expected or unexpected, may have an adverse impact on t...